Workshops | Nose Creek Physiotherapy

Find Out More About Our Exclusive Health Education Classes...

“Do You Want to Get an Expert Second Opinion or Simply Find Out What Is Causing Your Back, Knee or Neck/Shoulder Pain Before You Commit to Paying for a Course of Physio Treatment?

If So, Our Educational Classes Are Perfect for You”.

Or Click One of the Links Below to  Register for Your Preferred Workshop...





November 20, 2024

07:00 PM

July 17, 2024

07:00 PM

August 21, 2024

07:00 PM

Knee Pain / Arthritis Workshop

Event Passed


Back Pain Workshop 

Event Passed


Neck Pain Workshop 

Event Passed


We realize that some people may be a little “unsure”, nervous and skeptical about what can be done to help ease their back, knee, or neck pain.

Maybe you’re not sure if Physical Therapy is right for you and you're worried that it might not actually work for your problem. Or perhaps you had a bad experience with PT somewhere in the past, and don’t want to make the same mistake again. Or maybe you just want to get an expert second opinion about what to do for the best?

These educational workshops are perfect for someone like you. Specifically, here’s who will benefit:

  • All those painkillers you take just don’t seem to help
  • You’ve been told by your Doctor that you should just “rest” or “take pills” and “nothing can be done”
  • You had surgery but the recovery you were hoping for, never happened
  • You experience back pain when you’ve been sitting or standing for longer than a few minutes
  • You suffer with severe leg pain when you sit or stand up
  • The only way you get relief from back pain is when you lean forward or bend forward
  • You experience your back frequently “giving out”, or your knees “giving way”
  • You suffer from repeat migraines and headaches
  • You have to rely on others to help you get around
  • You struggle to turn your neck far enough even to look over your shoulder, or reach above your head without shoulder pain
  • You feel pain each time you walk up and down the stairs which makes it hard to go about your day without agonising knee pain
  • You’re afraid that your back, neck, or knee pain (and quality of life) will get worse if you don’t do something about it soon
  • You’ve so far been given less-than-satisfactory advice by your doctor or other healthcare professionals and you want to finally found out what can be done

“Here’s Exactly What to Expect When You Come Along to One of Our Educational Classes”

  • First, you’ll be in a room full of like-minded people just like you who want to find out exactly what can be done once and for all to help end their back, knee or neck pain
  • We’ll get a chance to find out all about YOU, your main concerns, and what you want to know answers to
  • Learn how to make the best decision about choosing the right treatment for your back, knee or neck pain
  • Find out the most common mistakes that most people with back, knee make - that actually makes things worse
  • Learn why you’ve been suffering with pain for so long - and what to do to stop it from getting worse
  • Discover the most common causes of back, knee and neck pain
  • Find out what successful treatment and long-lasting relief looks like without the side-effects or medication, pills or surgery

If you’d like to attend our next Educational Workshop - that is held at our clinic in Hurst - please click the button below and fill out the short form so we can let you know the time and date of our next class, and make sure your seat is reserved.

These events are 100% free for you to attend. And if you have a loved one who is suffering right now and needs some help, you can bring them along too. We’ll help give you clarity and move you forward by helping you make a better, more educated and informed decision about what to do for the best.

Pelvic Floor Webinar

PS 1 – Don't forget to register for our Pelvic Floor Webinar Wednesday November 20th at 7:00pm hosted by Anna Ortung-Frantz. All you need is a Zoom Account. We will send out the Zoom link closer to the date!

Click the link here to register.

PS 2 - Introducing our new Chiropractor, Alex Toutant! Alex will be starting at our clinic on November 18th, 2024

Call today to book your first appointment with Alex!

To learn more about our team visit our website.

PS 3 - Welcome Back our Massage Therapist Yasser! Yasser is returning after going on Paternity Leave, he will be back starting November 11th, 2024

Be the first to book with Yasser before his schedule fills up!

To book your massage you can call, reply to this email or book online!

PS 4 - Make sure to "Like" us on our Facebook page so you do not want to miss out on our contests this coming Winter!

PS 5 - Go to our YouTube Channel and make sure to "Like" us there as well. Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to our channel, so you do not miss our on any of our future video posts. We are going to be putting out lots of valuable content in 2024. We might do a few contests on that channel as well! 🙂

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