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We realise some people may be “unsure” if Physio is right for them. It could be that you’re not sure
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At one time or another, most of us have had an unfortunate accident that has caused an injury to the ankle. In the summer we tend to see more slip and falls due to more outdoor participation in sports, hiking, walking, and one very common injury is an ankle sprain or fracture. This usually happensContinue Reading »

With spring in full bloom and summer quickly approaching, many Albertans are planning their next hiking excursion. Whether you hike for the challenge of scaling the mountainside, to conquer the next summit, for exercise or to simply share in the journey with friends and family, hiking the Rockies can involve risk for injury. Especially vulnerableContinue Reading »

If the “PRICE” isn’t right, we may need to call the “POLICE”: the management of acute sprains and strains of soft tissue. By Dan Krebs BSc, MScPT, MClSc, FCAMPT, CGIMS. Terminology for muscle (contractile tissue) and inert (non-contractile) tissue injuries. Ligament Sprain – typically used when referring to ligaments and other non-contractile components of aContinue Reading »

As runners, it takes a lot to stop us from heading out the door and pounding the pavement. Pelting rain, frigid winters and sickness usually aren’t enough to keep us from lacing up our shoes. Personal Message from Grace, our Physiotherapist: “Unfortunately, the same holds true for running-related aches and pains. I certainly am guiltyContinue Reading »