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We realise some people may be “unsure” if Physio is right for them. It could be that you’re not sure
it’ll work, or whether we can help with what you’ve got, or maybe you had a bad experience somewhere in
the past? If that sounds like you and you’d like to come in and see for yourself how Nose Creek
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Winter is back once again along with the snow and frigid cold temperatures. You will need to get the winter gear out of storage, and don’t forget to find your snow shovel. Shovelling snow last year was probably the last time that you did anything physical. Have you ever noticed that after shovelling snow yourContinue Reading »

Do you have stiffness in your spine, or muscle tension in your neck or back? I am happy to introduce the ChiBall to Nose Creek Physiotherapy and share the benefits of this small but amazingly effective tool for releasing stress and tension from your spine. I happened on a ChiBall class in Australia about 20Continue Reading »

Pre-Season Screening is Highly Recommended: Before you hit the slopes, you should come in for a pre-season exercise screening exam! A pre-season screening exam can be an extremely useful tool in identifying any current injury you may have or can help determine a predisposition to injury – and identifying a predisposition to injury can helpContinue Reading »

What is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a bone weakening condition, characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue. This disease leads to increased bone fragility and risk of a fracture particularly occurring in the hip, spine, wrist and shoulder. What is important to know is that as of today’s research, no single cause forContinue Reading »

Have you ever gone to bend your elbow, hip, knee or ankle but felt like something was stopping you from moving as well as you used to be able to? You’re not alone. Many clients come in for a Massage complaining of hip pain that never seems to go away; something seems thick or blockingContinue Reading »

Post Stampede pains are no joke: those ten days that now seem to have happened years ago are often the first time that many people have a break from sitting at their desks and staring at screens all day. And, during those ten days, you are likely not eating well, drinking enough water, dancing inContinue Reading »

Now that we have finally reached the point where we can step outside without seeing our breath, some of you more “fair-weather” individuals may be considering getting into shape for the summer season. As a Physiotherapist, it never fails that during the first two months of warmer weather I see a significant increase in “overuse”Continue Reading »

Tennis elbow (also called lateral epicondylitis) is a condition affecting the origin of the tendon of the muscles that extend/straighten the wrist. There is local tenderness on the outside of the elbow at the common extensor tendon origin (where the tendon attaches to the bone) and aching and pain in the back of the forearm.Continue Reading »
With the weather beginning to improve and many outdoor sports and activities starting up, an influx of activity after a sedentary winter means that sports and exercise related injuries are on the rise. With that in mind, we know that you may have questions related to how to prevent these kinds of sports and exerciseContinue Reading »
People often do not know what to do after they have been in a MVC. Here are some early rehabilitation management recommendations: Make sure to report the accident at your local police station. Call your Insurance agent. You must see your Physiotherapist within 10 days of your collision, regardless of who is at fault. HereContinue Reading »