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We realise some people may be “unsure” if Physio is right for them. It could be that you’re not sure
it’ll work, or whether we can help with what you’ve got, or maybe you had a bad experience somewhere in
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Tennis elbow (also called lateral epicondylitis) is a condition affecting the origin of the tendon of the muscles that extend/straighten the wrist. There is local tenderness on the outside of the elbow at the common extensor tendon origin (where the tendon attaches to the bone) and aching and pain in the back of the forearm.Continue Reading »

If the “PRICE” isn’t right, we may need to call the “POLICE”: the management of acute sprains and strains of soft tissue. By Dan Krebs BSc, MScPT, MClSc, FCAMPT, CGIMS. Terminology for muscle (contractile tissue) and inert (non-contractile) tissue injuries. Ligament Sprain – typically used when referring to ligaments and other non-contractile components of aContinue Reading »