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You’re at a stop sign minding your own business and WHAM! You’re hit by another vehicle, the initial thought, is everyone ok? Second thought, I cannot believe this just happened, third thought, what now.Let’s take a deeper look into why being hit by a 4000 lb vehicle has such detrimental effects on the human bodyContinue Reading »

“My neck hurts because I have a pinched nerve”“I can’t lift weights anymore because I have a torn rotator cuff”“I have chronic back pain because I have degenerative disc disease”“I can’t squat anymore because I have arthritis in my knee” Does this sound familiar? I know I have heard it all. I’m here to tellContinue Reading »

Pre-Season Screening is Highly Recommended: Before you hit the slopes, you should come in for a pre-season exercise screening exam! A pre-season screening exam can be an extremely useful tool in identifying any current injury you may have or can help determine a predisposition to injury – and identifying a predisposition to injury can helpContinue Reading »

What is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a bone weakening condition, characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue. This disease leads to increased bone fragility and risk of a fracture particularly occurring in the hip, spine, wrist and shoulder. What is important to know is that as of today’s research, no single cause forContinue Reading »

As one can imagine, the spine is extremely complex – it takes considerable understanding of the anatomy to decipher sources that could be causing a person spinal pain. What am I talking about when I say spinal pain? In a general sense, I am talking about the NECK, or the cervical region, the MID-BACK, orContinue Reading »

As Michael Phelps powered the U.S. men’s 4×100 relay to gold at the Olympics, many noticed the big, purple spots dotting his right shoulder and back. The spots were bruises created by a centuries-old traditional Chinese Therapy called Cupping, and it’s all the rage among elite athletes. So what is it? In Cupping, a TherapistContinue Reading »

Although it may seem that spending one third of our life in a state of unconsciousness is a waste of time, the fact remains that sleep is an essential aspect of human functioning. A lack of quality sleep leaves one unable to cope with physical, mental and emotional stress. This is why one of theContinue Reading »

Did you know that between the ages of 30 to 80 years old, the average person loses up to 50% of their lean muscle mass? Decreased physical activity with aging is largely responsible for the progressive muscle wasting that then follows. This loss of muscle mass and muscle strength that occurs with aging is termedContinue Reading »

Wow, if you read last week’s article, Paul illustrated how for every inch of forward head posture, it can increase the weight of your head on the spine by an additional 10 pounds. Our goal is to re-establish what we as Therapists call “axial extension”, which is a fancy word for “straighten up”. As youContinue Reading »

Knee exercises are essential to reduce pain. Here are three different exercises that will help strengthen your hips in order to reduce your kneecap pain. We suggest these three knee exercises: 1/3 drop squats, hip side lying leg lifts and hip rotator muscle exercises. Knee Exercises: 1/3 Drop Squats To strengthen hips and knees:Continue Reading »