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Contact us to find out how to save $25 on your Massage! Intro to Massage Therapy: The primary goal of Massage Therapy is to enhance the body’s own healing processes, and to promote health and a sense of well being. Our Massage Therapists have been selected for their experience and interest in Physiotherapy.Massage Therapy isContinue Reading »

Pre-Season Screening is Highly Recommended: Before you hit the slopes, you should come in for a pre-season exercise screening exam! A pre-season screening exam can be an extremely useful tool in identifying any current injury you may have or can help determine a predisposition to injury – and identifying a predisposition to injury can helpContinue Reading »

What is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a bone weakening condition, characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue. This disease leads to increased bone fragility and risk of a fracture particularly occurring in the hip, spine, wrist and shoulder. What is important to know is that as of today’s research, no single cause forContinue Reading »

As Michael Phelps powered the U.S. men’s 4×100 relay to gold at the Olympics, many noticed the big, purple spots dotting his right shoulder and back. The spots were bruises created by a centuries-old traditional Chinese Therapy called Cupping, and it’s all the rage among elite athletes. So what is it? In Cupping, a TherapistContinue Reading »

Have you ever gone to bend your elbow, hip, knee or ankle but felt like something was stopping you from moving as well as you used to be able to? You’re not alone. Many clients come in for a Massage complaining of hip pain that never seems to go away; something seems thick or blockingContinue Reading »

If you’ve had a Massage before, you probably already know that “Massage” is a loaded word: it doesn’t just mean muscle stimulation or that you have a midday relaxation session, but packs a full wallop in benefiting not only your physical health; but your mental and physiological well being. At Nose Creek Physiotherapy we knowContinue Reading »

Post Stampede pains are no joke: those ten days that now seem to have happened years ago are often the first time that many people have a break from sitting at their desks and staring at screens all day. And, during those ten days, you are likely not eating well, drinking enough water, dancing inContinue Reading »

Nose Creek Physiotherapy’s Feature Blog for this month comes from Beddington Massage Therapist Paul Sherley. At Nose Creek, we truly believe that it is the brilliance of our Team that sets us apart, and we are pleased to have Paul in the spotlight this month. When you need a massage: “Better Call Paul” Nose CreekContinue Reading »

Meridian Massage: when you first hear this, what do you think of? You know that this is obviously a Massage treatment, but what exactly does “Meridian” mean, and how can this treatment benefit you? When we speak of “Meridian” Massage, we are referring to using oils or lotions to facilitate relaxing Massage techniques along theContinue Reading »

Bikini season is upon us and, this time of year, many of us are hitting the gym, cramming in some workouts before heading to the beach. However, it is important to keep back health in mind when attempting to achieve that killer summer “bod”. In this article I will expose some common training mistakes andContinue Reading »