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Essentially everybody experiences lower pain in the back at some point in their lives. Even if you’re not a person who sits in front of a desk all the time, the stress from lifting heavy things or carrying them for extended durations, extended reaching or stretching, playing sports, jogging or any number of other activitiesContinue Reading »

Hey Folks, Blair Schachterle from Nose Creek Physiotherapy. Today, we’re going to talk about stenosis in the lower back, and it’s more of a degenerative condition that can give you sciatica as well. Our description of the typical patient we see with stenosis in the clinic is they’re going to be 50 years old orContinue Reading »

Winter is back once again along with the snow and frigid cold temperatures. You will need to get the winter gear out of storage, and don’t forget to find your snow shovel. Shovelling snow last year was probably the last time that you did anything physical. Have you ever noticed that after shovelling snow yourContinue Reading »

As one can imagine, the spine is extremely complex – it takes considerable understanding of the anatomy to decipher sources that could be causing a person spinal pain. What am I talking about when I say spinal pain? In a general sense, I am talking about the NECK, or the cervical region, the MID-BACK, orContinue Reading »

If you’ve had a Massage before, you probably already know that “Massage” is a loaded word: it doesn’t just mean muscle stimulation or that you have a midday relaxation session, but packs a full wallop in benefiting not only your physical health; but your mental and physiological well being. At Nose Creek Physiotherapy we knowContinue Reading »

Bikini season is upon us and, this time of year, many of us are hitting the gym, cramming in some workouts before heading to the beach. However, it is important to keep back health in mind when attempting to achieve that killer summer “bod”. In this article I will expose some common training mistakes andContinue Reading »

The ancient healing practice known as “cupping” leaves those strange red circles. Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which a therapist puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction. People get it for many purposes, including helping with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and as a typeContinue Reading »

The primary goal of massage therapy is to enhance the body’s own healing processes, and to promote health and a sense of well being. Massage Therapy is a scientific systematic approach to treating soft tissue, and various connective tissue, imbalances in the human body. Appropriate pressure is applied in order to reduce pain and improveContinue Reading »

There are many changes that happen to your body throughout pregnancy. Your body needs that extra care, and we know how important proper maintenance can be for your overall experience as a mother to be. Have you ever wondered why these common symptoms may be happening? See what kinds of changes your body may beContinue Reading »

Transversus abdominis is located around the front and sides of the abdomen between the lower ribs and top of the pelvis. It is the innermost abdominal muscle, and functions like a girdle or the body’s natural weight lifting belt. When it contracts the waist narrows slightly and the lower abdomen flattens. The function of theContinue Reading »