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Winter is back once again along with the snow and frigid cold temperatures. You will need to get the winter gear out of storage, and don’t forget to find your snow shovel. Shovelling snow last year was probably the last time that you did anything physical. Have you ever noticed that after shovelling snow yourContinue Reading »

Pre-Season Screening is Highly Recommended: Before you hit the slopes, you should come in for a pre-season exercise screening exam! A pre-season screening exam can be an extremely useful tool in identifying any current injury you may have or can help determine a predisposition to injury – and identifying a predisposition to injury can helpContinue Reading »

Post Stampede pains are no joke: those ten days that now seem to have happened years ago are often the first time that many people have a break from sitting at their desks and staring at screens all day. And, during those ten days, you are likely not eating well, drinking enough water, dancing inContinue Reading »

Tennis elbow (also called lateral epicondylitis) is a condition affecting the origin of the tendon of the muscles that extend/straighten the wrist. There is local tenderness on the outside of the elbow at the common extensor tendon origin (where the tendon attaches to the bone) and aching and pain in the back of the forearm.Continue Reading »
With the weather beginning to improve and many outdoor sports and activities starting up, an influx of activity after a sedentary winter means that sports and exercise related injuries are on the rise. With that in mind, we know that you may have questions related to how to prevent these kinds of sports and exerciseContinue Reading »

You are focused on a task on your computer and start to notice that your neck is tightening up. How can you release the tension? Below are our two favourite muscles to stretch to relieve neck tension. If you wake up with a stiff neck these are best done under a hot shower. Upper trapeziusContinue Reading »

Wow, if you read last week’s article, Paul illustrated how for every inch of forward head posture, it can increase the weight of your head on the spine by an additional 10 pounds. Our goal is to re-establish what we as Therapists call “axial extension”, which is a fancy word for “straighten up”. As youContinue Reading »

Knee exercises are essential to reduce pain. Here are three different exercises that will help strengthen your hips in order to reduce your kneecap pain. We suggest these three knee exercises: 1/3 drop squats, hip side lying leg lifts and hip rotator muscle exercises. Knee Exercises: 1/3 Drop Squats To strengthen hips and knees:Continue Reading »

Last week Jeanine talked about kneecap pain and how it can sneak up on us. There is often no history of trauma with PFPS as it is a muscle imbalance that results in a mal-tracking of your kneecap in the femoral condyle or the bottom of your thigh bone. The muscle imbalance often pulls theContinue Reading »

There are many factors that can lead to knee pain, such as joint degeneration, trauma, inflammation, etc. But why may a young athlete with no mechanism of injury start experiencing knee pain? Often the cause is muscular imbalances; tight muscles in one area and weak muscles in another, that put abnormal stress upon the joint.Continue Reading »