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We realise some people may be “unsure” if Physio is right for them. It could be that you’re not sure
it’ll work, or whether we can help with what you’ve got, or maybe you had a bad experience somewhere in
the past? If that sounds like you and you’d like to come in and see for yourself how Nose Creek
Physiotherapy can help you, please fill out the short form below and tell us more about you so we can
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Free Discovery

You may not know it, but if you suffer from flat feet, your feet and legs are under continual tension. You see, with flat feet your foot arches fall down due to weakened tendons and ligaments in your feet, which causes the bones in your feet to press against the side of your shoes andContinue Reading »

There are hundreds of running shoes on the market so how do you find the right one for you? Shoe choice is extremely individual and is impacted by foot shape, foot and ankle motion, overall form and gait mechanics, running experience, chosen running discipline, and personal injury history. Here’s how to make an informed choice.Purchasing Timing:TryingContinue Reading »